YU CHUN KEUNG MEMORIAL COLLEGE NO.2 (School of Catholic Diocese Hong Kong)
2551 8285
In 1972, due to the rapid expansion of the needs of secondary school places, The Catholic Diocese of Hong Kong decided to build a fully equipped secondary school in the southern district.

Mr. Li Tak Fai Mr. Mui Yuen Shek
Principal First School Principal
In 1979, the Chi Fu Fa Yuen was built and the population in the area suddenly grew. The Catholic Diocese of Hong Kong and the government agreed to build a secondary school. At the same time, The Our Lady of Lourdes Church was relocated in the same premises. The first Manager Committee included our first school Supervisor, Rev. TSANG, Hing-Lam Anthony, Ms. Cheng Tong Shuk Yau, Sister Rosangela and our first school Principal, Mr. Mui Yuen Shek.

With the support of various parties, Hong Kong Land Holdings Limited finished the building work of the school and the church. YCK2 becomes one of the members of the Catholic Education Department of the Catholic Diocese of Hong Kong. The school is named after the principal sponsor, Mr. Yu Chun Keung.