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A Visit to Lamma Power Station and Lamma winds power station 參觀南丫發電廠及南丫風采發電站

Writer's picture: YCK2YCK2

23 students from the senior forms have joined the visit to Lamma Power Station and Lamma winds power station organized by Business-School Partnership Programme (BSPP) and Hong Kong Electric Co. Ltd on 2015-11-16(Mon). Students have studied the history of electricity supply in Hong Kong, the pros and cons of using natural gas as a source of energy over burning of coal, as well as the environmental issue raised.

23位高中學生於2015-11-16(一) 參加了由教育局商校合作計劃和港燈公司主辦的「參觀南丫發電廠及南丫風采發電站」。學生由鴨脷洲碼頭乘上由港燈公司安排的渡輪﹐直接到達位於南丫島的發電廠。同學不單認識了香港供電的歷史﹐並了解了整個燃煤發電和天然氣發電的過程和利弊﹐並思考了發電過程中所帶來的環保議題等等。

From the visit to the solar panel and Lamma Winds Power Station located up the hill in Lamma Island, students have learnt the development of renewable energy in Hong Kong. Although the renewable power source is only a small proportion of Hong Kong electricity supply, its importance has given out student an opportunity to think carefully it’s time to take up our responsibility to support sustainable development.


以下是6D班徐焯泇同學的參觀感想: 於是次南丫島發電廠的參觀,介紹了港燈的歷史及運作之餘,亦參觀了集煤場、風力發電機等機組,以供發電。雖然燃煤發電造成很大的污染,不過港燈亦做了一定的措施,以保障南丫島居民、香港居民,甚至環境的安全。他們有廢氣處理,將石灰粉加入燃煤機組,石灰粉與二氧化硫結合,成為石膏,以供工業用途,不但沒有污染空氣,亦沒有很多的廢物產生,保護了環境。另外亦有環保的可再生能源發電,例如風力發電、太陽能發電等,雖然香港地理位置不利太陽能發電,不過他們配合了利用較薄的太陽能板,在沒有很大陽光的時候都仍能發電。

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