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'Future Technology Education Experience Day 2.0' After WiFi900 ... Cloud STEAM Cross-curricu

Writer's picture: YCK2YCK2

Future Technology Education Experience Day 2.0 Prelude to OGCIO Secondary School Information Technology Enrichment Programme

The Future Technology Education Experience Day 2.0 was held at our school on 16thApril. About 100 primary students from 6 primary schools in Central, Western and Southern District took part in the event to experience the fun of learning through STEAM. Ms Cynthia Chan, Chief School Development Officer (Central, Western and Southern District) officiated at the opening ceremony with Mr. Dominic Chu and Mr. Peter Lau, Assistants to the Episcopal Delegate for Education. The principals of our affiliate primary schools also came to the event.

Our school principal, Mr. Stephen Li, introduced the blueprint of ‘Cloud STEAM Cross-curriculum School Campus Programme’ in the opening ceremony. He pointed out that the event was a sequel to ‘Future Technology Education Experience Day 1.0’ and a prelude to ‘2016 OGCIO Secondary School Information Technology Enrichment Programme’. Through this programme, he hoped to train students to be Information Technology and entrepreneurial talents and encourage them to promote information technology and serve our community partners with their creativity. Ms Cynthia Chan and Mr. Dominic Chu presented Certificates of Appointment to the 23 STEAM Leaders of our school, who will take up the mission to promote, exchange experience and serve the society with STEAM.

In her speech, Ms. Cynthia Chan pointed out the new trend in education is to cultivate students talented for creativity. In coordination with the development of STEM, the curriculum reforms of primary Mathematics and General Studies have already begun. She praised the school as a community full of energy and vigour and that Arts has been incorporated into STEM for students to learn and experience. She thanked YCK2, as a platform for cooperation and exchange of experience, for organising this event to promote STEAM Education through integrating the power of our community partners.

The event comprised three taster lessons on ‘ICT in Art’, ‘ICT in PE’ and ‘ICT in Robotics’ which are related to STEAM Education. Students participated actively in the lessons from which they learnt about robot programming, digital visual arts and doing exercise regularly. They also experienced the pleasure of learning with STEAM. After the lessons, all the teachers and students gathered together at theschool hall to watch the videos of the activities. There was laughter during the playback and all the participants were immersed in the harmonious atmosphere of the big family of YCK2.

Finally, Principal Li thanked all the participants who had brought a success to the event. He also briefly talked about the upcoming plans for STEAM Education. As the function is carried out on a continuous basis, he hoped to see them and learn with them again.

「未來科技教育體驗日2.0」 OGCIO 中學資訊科技增潤活動計劃前奏


李校長簡介「雲端STEAM跨科學習校園計劃」的發展藍圖,指出是次活動是「未來科技教育體驗日1.0」的延續,是「OGCIO 2016中學資訊科技增潤活動計劃」的前奏;期望透過是項計劃培訓資訊科技和企業人才,讓學生展現創意、協作推廣和服務社區夥伴。主禮嘉賓陳女士和襄禮嘉賓儲先生頒發委任狀予本校23位STEAM Leaders,他們肩負起推廣、交流和服務的使命。


是次活動有三節與科技教育相關的體驗課,包括「ICT in Arts」、「ICT in PE」、「ICT in Robotics」,學生積極投入活動,透過活動認識到機械人的組裝編程、數碼視藝的變化萬千及培養恆常運動的習慣,並體驗到「STEAM」帶來的學習樂趣。接著,師生一起聚集在禮堂觀賞學習片段,歡笑聲此起彼落,氣氛親切和諧,融入在「余二」的大家庭中。

最後,李校長感謝各位支持,使活動得以順利完成,並簡介STEAM 教育的延伸計劃,李校長指出活動是持續的,期望可再次聚首一堂,一起學習。

'Future Technology Education Experience Day 2.0' introduction

Future Technology Education Experience Day 2.0 STEAM program

Principal Li's Speech

Ms Cynthia Chan's Speech

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