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STEAM Extended lesson (Aberdeen St. Peter's Catholic Primary School) STEAM外展課程 (香港仔聖伯多祿天主教小學)

Writer's picture: YCK2YCK2

As a pioneer in STEAM Education, our school provides STEAM Education Solutions to primary and secondary schools in Central, Western and Southern Districts. This time our STEAM leaders, using iPad and mbot as the tools for writing programs, taught the students of Aberdeen St. Peter’s Catholic Primary School the basic logic and structure of programming.

They used the G-sensor of iPad as the controller to instruct the robot to move and optimized its movements by altering the parameters. Finally, the students showed their knowledge of programming by having Balloon Fights among different groups. The students responded enthusiastically and the competition was exciting. The whole activity combined the learning of engineering, programming, logic and mathematics and students fully demonstrated the result of interdisciplinary learning.

本校作為STEAM教育的先行者﹐為中西南區的中小學提供STEAM教育方案。是次於香港仔聖伯多祿天主教小學﹐同學以iPad和mbot作為編寫程式的工具﹐ 讓學生由零開始學習編程的基本邏輯和結構。

以iPad 的G-sensor 感應作為控制指令, 讓機械人移動﹐並透過改變參數優化機械人的動作。最後﹐學生分組作Balloon Fight 作為編程成果的具體體現。同學反應熱烈﹐比賽刺激緊張。整個活動之中﹐結合了工程﹐編程﹐邏輯和數學的學習﹐同學充分展示出跨學習領域的學習成果。

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