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STEAM Extended lesson 2 (Aberdeen St. Peter's Catholic Primary School) STEAM 未來教育體驗 延伸課程 二 - 香港仔

Writer's picture: YCK2YCK2

Our STEAM group, with the help of ipad and mbot, a programmable mechanical car, has brought the classic virtual game "MARIO KART" into reality. The robot car, controlled by a cartoon character, had three balloons symbolizing its "life value". The winner of the game was the one who could first prick its opponent’s balloons with their mechanical cars. First, we taught students to use the G-sensor of ipad as controller to control their cars freely with their programs. Then, they installed three balloons and a pin on their cars for attack and defense. After continuous testing and improvement, students started a pleasurable 'Balloon fight' with other cars. Through the game, students learned about simple programming and engineering and cooperating with others. By combining learning with recreation, the day's learning ended with the laughter of students.

本校STEAM小組﹐在ipad 和mbot 編程機械車的幫助之下﹐把這個虛擬的經典遊戲「MARIO KART」帶到現實之中, 在卡通人物控制的小車上﹐附有三顆象徵「生命值」的氣球﹐在同一場上﹐用不同的方法﹐道具﹐先把對方的氣球打掉的為勝。首先﹐我們教同學運用 ipad 上的G-sensor 作控制器﹐編寫程式令編程車可以依控制者的操控自由靈活地活動。然後﹐同學把三個氣球和一支針安裝自由的安裝在車上﹐以求達到攻防合一。在不斷的測試和改 良之後﹐同學們靠著自己的設計的戰車和自行編寫的程式﹐進行了一次愉快的攻防戰。在歡樂的遊戲之中﹐同學體驗了編程和工程的簡單學習﹐並在學習小組之間合 作和改良自己的作品﹐把學習融入遊戲﹐在一片歡笑聲中﹐結束一天的學習。

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