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(Upcoming) Talk for Parents, Parents’ Day cum AGM of PTA

2017-18 Parents’ Day cum Annual General Meeting of Parent-Teacher Association is scheduled for 3:00 p.m. on 5th November (Sunday). We have arranged time for parents to meet with class-teachers to know more about their children’s studies progress throughout the past two months. Parents will also receive the report card of their children’s first term test. Moreover, SPS (Suicide Prevention Services) will give a talk on “Filling Lives with Joy”, which is scheduled for 2:15 p.m. All parents are welcome to participate (The talk will be conducted in Cantonese, and instant translation will be provided). The schedule of that day is as follows:

Time: 2:15 pm– 3:00 pm

Activity: Talk for parents: “Filling Lives with Joy”

Place: Hall


Time: 3:00 pm – 3:45 pm

Activity: AGM of PTA

Place: Hall

  1. Report on General Affairs and Financial Report

  2. Presentation of Certificate of Appreciation and Inauguration Ceremony for PTA Executive Members


Time: 3:45 pm – 4:30 pm

Activity: Meeting with class-teachers

Place: Classroom

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本校家長教師會於21-1-2018 (日) 已順利進行「家長校董」選舉事宜。選舉過程 資料如下 : 監票人︰李張慧珠副校長 唱票人︰杜增祥老師 見證人︰家長教師會主席王志強先生、李麗媚女士 選舉結果如下 : 中一乙班霍言綸家長霍英傑先生當選2018-2020家長校董, 中五丙班簡希樺家長史慧霞女士當選2018-2020替補家長校董。

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