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The beauty of Bauhinia in celebration of the 20th anniversary of the HKSAR 「紫荊吐艷耀香江 廿載同歸慶典」

Writer's picture: YCK2YCK2

To celebrate the twentieth anniversary of the return of Hong Kong to China, Yu Chun Keung Memorial College No. 2 held a Visual Arts Contest cum Variety Shown at Culture Square of Tamar Park on the beautiful afternoon of April 1. Nearly 400 students from 33 different primary schools in different districts participated in the contest.

Our Guests of Honour, Ms Florence Hui, SBS, JP, Under Secretary for Home Affairs and Mr. Chu Fu Yau, Dominic, Assistants to the Episcopal Delegate for Education officiated at the event. In his welcoming speech, Mr. Stephen Li Tak-fai, Principal of Yu Chun Keung Memorial College No.2 pointed out that the large number of Primary Schools participating in this event had shown a common interest in setting up a new education platform for students to develop their potential. After the speech, the participating schools came forward to the stage to receive a memorial cup from the hand of Ms. Hui.

In her speech, Ms Hui said it was the first time she had officiated at a tablet computer drawing contest which combined art and technology. She hoped that through this kind of celebration activity, Hong Kong can become a more harmonious society.

The contest started at about 2pm. Scattered on the field of the contest area, the contestants used their tablet computers to draw the Hong Kong-specific buildings with a Bauhinia, the city flower of Hong Kong.

At the same time, there was a variety show of dance and Chinese music on the stage performed by four Primary Schools. Our school band ‘Green’ sang several Chinese and English songs and received loud applause from the audience.

The contest lasted for 45 minutes and the award presentation ceremony soon began. As adjudicators of the event, Dr Li Lok Wa, Senior Curriculum Development Officer of Visual Arts Education and Ms. Cheung Wing Yi, Curriculum Development Officer of Information Technology Education finally selected the top 10 drawings out of the 66 best drawings from the participating schools. The winners of the contest are: YIP YING YING(Sau Mau Ping Catholic Primary School), WONG TAK YUNG(HKTA Wun Tsuen Ng Lai Wo Memorial School), YU HIU CHING(PLK Dr. Jimmy Wong Chi-Ho (Tin Sum Valley)Primary School), LI WAI MAN(Shek Lei Catholic Primary School), WONG HOI YEE(Mary of Providence Primary School), LAM KING TUNG(King's College Old Boys' Association Primary School), AU EMMA YEE KI(PLK HKTA Yuen Yuen Primary School), WU LAN XING(Lei Muk Shue Catholic Primary School), HUI CHEUK YIN and HO YI MING(H.K.F.E.W. Wong Cho Bau School). Our officiating guest, Mr. Chu presented the awards to the winning students. The whole event completed successfully at 4pm in an atmosphere of joy and harmony.


廣場中的LED屏幕牆顯示整項活動的流程。開幕禮於下午一時十五分舉行,大會邀請民政事務局副局長許曉暉女士SBS,JP及天主教香港教區教育事務主教代表助理儲富有先生MH為主禮嘉賓。奏國歌後李德輝校長致歡迎辭。李校長指各區小學積極參與今次活動,證明大家有共同的理念,欲在教育領域上建立新的平台,為學生提供發展潛能的機會。感謝主的恩賜,一掃連日來的陰霾,賜予陽光與草地,讓學生在繪畫上交流切磋,成就美事。然後,李校長陪同許曉暉女士SBS,JP頒發「洋紫荊參與紀念杯」予參賽的學校。每間學校的參賽者與主禮嘉賓來個大合照,氣氛熱烈。 主禮嘉賓許曉暉女士SBS,JP致辭時指出,今次活動把藝術文化與科技結合,別具意義,是她第一次參與以平板電腦繪畫的繪畫活動。藝術元素令「STEM」計劃變為「STEAM」,更富動力,好像蒸氣火車頭般,帶領着學生接受更全面的教育。她希望藉着這類民間慶回歸的活動,令人珍惜香港,欣賞香港,共同建設和諧的社會。接着的環節,大會致送紀念品予主禮嘉賓、顧問團成員、評審嘉賓、技術顧問。然後,李校長聯同一眾嘉賓為醒獅點睛,並主持剪綵儀式。 繪畫比賽於下午二時開始。參賽的學生進入創作區後,選擇不同的視野角度,構思繪圖。學生運用平板電腦,以「紫荊吐艷耀香江」為主題,繪畫香港特色建築物。他們以純熟的技巧,運用平板電腦上的線條和色彩功能,一瞬間便能搭配變換出多種的視覺效果,展現藝術才華。而當中的一筆一畫,亦細膩地表達出對香江欣賞之情。


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