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Principal LI sharing on Education Day of Our Lady of Lourdes Church李德輝校長於露德聖母堂教育日主題分享

Writer: YCK2YCK2

Jesus said: Let the children come to me

Why did the disciples rebuke those bringing children to Jesus? Are we parents and teachers rebuke the children to seek God in our daily lives as well? Are we parents and teachers arrange tones of things for the kids to do? But how shall we seek God’s kingdom and his righteousness? God is Love. To seek the kingdom of God is to seek the kingdom of Love, to let His Love reign in our hearts and to love Him in return. To seek His righteousness is to have a constant and resolute will to give to God and our neighbours their due to our love. Therefore, all our thoughts, words and deeds should originate from love. We should persevere in cherishing our faith, worshipping God and doing justice to mankind just as what has been said, “…and what the Lord requires of you: Only to do right and to love goodness, and to walk humbly with your God.”(Mi 6:8)

However, to realize justice is only fulfilling our very basic responsibilities. Love demands us to go a step further. We should give our children not only their rights to survival but should guide them in a meaningful and purposeful life. The right to development is not only about developing talents and enjoying leisure and cultural activities. We should also guide them into a lasting tie with our Lord Jesus and a share of His life, which is even more abundant.

YCK2 strictly follows the core values of Catholic education. They are Truth, Justice, Love, Life and Family.

With truth comes wisdom which enables a person to distinguish right from wrong, and good from evil. Truth must be told and practised, even at the cost of making a great sacrifice.

Justice is the moral virtue that consists of a constant and resolute will to give to God and one’s neighbours their due.

Love is the greatest of all virtues. God, the source of life and goodness, has created everything out of love. It is because of love that we should serve each other with humility, and care for the poor and the needy, particularly the disadvantaged, underprivileged and marginalized in society.

Life is a priceless gift from God and is sacred in itself. Every person is entitled to have whatever is necessary for a decent and dignified existence. Only a society which respects human life can bring happiness to all.

Family is the basic unit of society as well as the permanent support for life. YCK2 is the family for our staff and students. We live together as a family. We enjoy our school life here at YCK2.

This year the major area of concern of YCK2 emphasises mostly on Truth: To understand it, to live it and to uphold it. We put this message into our curriculum and design the learning framework in different key learning areas. This is to let the meaning of Truth to live in our daily life.



為什麼門徒阻礙那些帶孩子到耶穌那裡的人呢?我們的父母和老師是否也阻礙孩子們在日常生活中尋求上主?他們是否會安排很多孩子們要做的事情而毫無時間讓孩子與主交流?然而,我們該如何尋求天主的國和它的義德呢?天主是愛,尋求天國就是尋求愛的國度,接受上主以祂的愛統治我們內心,並且還愛於天主。我們尋求義德,就是要毫無保留地讓天主和我們接近,獲得來自各人按自己本份所應付出的愛。因此,我們一切的思言行為都應建基於愛,並應持守對上主的信仰和敬拜,以及對人的正義。就如先知所言「履行正義,愛好慈善,虛心與你的天主來往。」(米 6:8)








我校今年來了一個澳洲土生土長的中三學生Adwina Ma。她初到「余二」不足一個月,已認識了不同年級的學兄學姊,讓她的校園生活更添姿彩和生趣。Adwina的母語是英文,中文程度一般,所以課餘她總會爭取機會和同學用中文交談,從中鍛鍊一番。她很感恩老師在課堂中中英並用,對她循循教導,事事關顧,在天主教教育的薰陶下,令她能享受溫馨的校園生活。在學習以外,她還參與了在學校的第一次志願服務,教導老年人學習使用虛擬現實科技。 透過活動,讓老人有機會使用VR設備探訪及參觀香港的不同地區。這次甚具意義的社區服務,讓她有機會去多關心老年人,實在是一次寶貴的經歷!透過認真學習,彼此關顧,但願我們的學生都能活出真理的意義。


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