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YCK2 Debate team achievements in November 余二英文辯論隊接連告捷


November was a busy month for YCK2 debaters. The English debate team of YCK2 had several debate matches in the HKSSDC. Despite the tight schedule, both junior and senior teams delivered outstanding performances.

During the match facing Precious Blood Secondary School, our new junior team debater, Keith from 3B, was crowned the best speaker.

Our senior team has also got a new member. He is Mark from 5B. Under the guidance of teachers, the whole team was able to rebut the opponent’s arguments with confidence. 3B Eldrik’s outstanding performance in his first attempt to debate in senior match stunned the judge and was chosen to be the best speaker.

With two consecutive victories, the junior team has entered the term final. Here we wish the team a great success and a Merry Christmas.


11月23日,初級組先行對戰寶血女子中學,題目是「學生在短期的海外義務工作對發展中國家有利」。這次比賽,我隊成員組合採用以舊帶新的方式,結果同樣刷出亮麗成果。同學經老師指導後,有信心地表達意見而最終勝出比賽。新成員3B 同學ORIJOLA KEITH GUIRUELA 更獲取「最佳辯論員」殊榮。

另一方面,11月30日,高級組對戰五旬節中學,題目同樣是「學生在短期的海外義務工作對發展中國家有利」。這次比賽,我們新增了中五級的成員5B 的MARCOS MARK VON PASCUAL 。同學在賽前預備充足。Eldrik更就對手的論點逐一反駁,獲選為「最佳辯論員」。



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