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YU CHUN KEUNG MEMORIAL COLLEGE NO.2 (School of Catholic Diocese Hong Kong)
2551 8285
Our Students
招收 2024-2025 年度中一至中五級新生章程
1. Please submit the form in person. 請親臨本校遞交報名表
2. Admission criteria and weightings 取錄準則及比重:
Academic學業 30%
Conduct操行 30%
Extra-curricular Activities課外活動 15%
Interview面試 25%
3. Please attach copies of school reports, a recent photo. 申請人必須附上原校成績表副本,相片一張。
4. Copies of certificates of awards or records for extra-curricular activities and community services can be attached as well.如有獎狀或其他證書,可一併交回副本。
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