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2022 Harvard Global Women’s Empowerment Yu Chun Keung Memorial College No.2 Essay Contest!


就讀余振強紀念第二中學的同學,Nigel Gurung (5B), 剛剛取得由美國哈佛大學校友會舉辦的寫作比賽(GlobalWE Essay Contest),文章題目為我的國家的女性所面對的最大挑戰 (What is the biggest challenge facing women and girls in your country today.)。Nigel 同學能言簡意賅地闡述女性在社會所遭受的挑戰,因而獲得評審賞識,取得獎項。可在以下連結閱讀同學的文章:

Congratulations 5B NIGEL GURUNG on winning the 2022 Harvard Global Women’s Empowerment Yu Chun Keung Memorial College No.2 Essay Contest!

Harvard GlobalWE Background: Started in 2015, the Harvard GlobalWE Essay Contest gives high school students a platform to voice their concerns regarding the most important issues facing women and girls in their corner of the world. There are entries from hundreds of young people across the globe, answering the question: “What is the biggest challenge facing women and girls in your country today?” The GlobalWE Essay Contest currently runs in countries across the world, including high schools in Germany, Mexico, Pakistan, the Philippines, Turkey, India, South Korea, and the United States.

Once again, we appreciate Nigel’s effort on sharing his perspective on the biggest challenge facing women and girls in Hong Kong.

Please read his works below.


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