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Updated School Arrangement After Lunar Chinese New Year 農曆新年假期後上課安排



Since the pandemic situation has worsened rapidly, EDB has recently announced that all secondary schools must continue suspending all face-to-face lessons until further notice. The lesson arrangement is as follows:



All F.1-F.6 students will need to attend TEAMS online lessons. The timetables of all classes remain unchanged. The first lesson starts at 8.15 a.m. and the last lesson ends at 12.55 p.m. The afternoon learning support and tutorials will be on as usual.

中一至中六級 中一至中六各級將以TEAMS 進行網上課堂,並按現行時間表上課。第一節課堂於上午8時30分開始,最後一節下午12時55分完結。原定各級下午補課會繼續以 TEAMS進行。

Online Lessons and Homework Submission

1. Students must have at least 80% attendance

2. During lesson time, students must keep their cameras on and show their faces, attendance will not be counted otherwise.

3. Students must hand in their homework on time.



1. 學生的網課出席率須達80%;

2. 網課期間,學生須全程開啟鏡頭,露面上課, 否則視為缺席;

3. 學生應準時繳交功課,請每天留意eclass家課紀錄,課業繳交方式須與科任老師協商;

Parent Day

we have decided to postpone the Parent’s Day from 20 February (Sunday) to 27 March (Sunday), 2022.


校方決定將原訂於二月二十日(星期日) 舉行的家長日順延至三月二十七日(星期日) 舉行。

On the basis of the above, all Teams online lessons will be conducted as usual on 21 February (Monday) while 28 March (Monday) is designated as a general holiday in substitution.


The details of the Parent’s Day and the distribution of report cards will be announced in due course.


We know that this is a very challenging time for everyone, and appreciate your understanding and support. We look forward to seeing you in the coming Parent’s Day.


Stay safe and healthy!


For further questions, please feel free to contact our office at 2551-8285.

如有查詢問,請致電 2551-8285 與校務處聯絡。


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